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What Is Beauty - Essay Example

This paper "What Is Beauty Essay" shows us the concept that has been pondered by many throughout the ages, from poets and philosophers to scientists and academics. While there is no one definition of beauty that everyone agrees upon, this essay will explore some of the most commonly accepted ideas about beauty and what makes something or someone beautiful…
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Exploring the Different Definitions of Beauty Across Cultures

Beauty is often described in terms of physical attractiveness, but definitions vary greatly from culture to culture. In western cultures, beauty may be defined as a symmetrical balance of features — the perfect nose, eyes and chin — while for other cultures, beauty can mean something else entirely. From traditional garments to facial markings and body modifications, different societies have their own unique views on what it means to be beautiful.

In Australia, beauty is often measured in terms of physical perfection and symmetry. Perceptions of beauty in this culture are usually limited to the body — especially facial features like eyes, nose, and chin. Australians tend to focus on symmetry and perfect proportions when defining beauty.

The traditional Japanese aesthetic also focuses heavily on physical beauty, but it differs from the Western notion of beauty. Geishas are a perfect example of this cultural view on beauty — their delicate kimonos and intricate hairstyles reflect ideals such as gracefulness and femininity in Japanese society.

In African cultures, beauty is often tied to family heritage or traditions like scarification, facial markings, hair braiding and other forms of body modification. Adinkra symbols, for example, are often used in tattoos or clothing to represent a family’s history or lineage. These symbols can also be seen as a sign of beauty, with their intricate designs and vibrant colors adding to the aesthetic appeal of the wearer.

The idea that beauty is subjective has long been accepted by most cultures. What may be considered beautiful in one society might not be seen as attractive in another. No matter what culture you find yourself in, beauty is always something that can be appreciated and celebrated. By exploring the different ideas of beauty across cultures, we can gain a better understanding of the world around us and our place within it.

How Social Constructions Make Our Understanding of Beauty Evolve Over Time

Beauty is a highly subjective construct that has been used to define human aesthetics around the world since time immemorial. Its definition and understanding vary greatly from culture to culture, leading to an ever-evolving perception of what is seen as attractive or beautiful. Throughout history, the concept of beauty has changed in tandem with our societal norms and values - from a focus on physical beauty to a broader, more inclusive construct that includes mental and emotional factors.

In the modern era, we often focus on a superficial understanding of beauty as something that is rooted in appearance or social status. However, this overlooks the deeper meaning behind the concept of beauty - which can be seen as an ever-evolving set of standards created by society as a whole and used to define attractiveness. This understanding of beauty takes into account not only physical attributes, but also the values, interests, and goals of an individual.

In essence, beauty is far more than just what meets the eye - it encompasses our sense of self-worth and how we perceive ourselves within society's standards. It is important to remember that beauty is an ever-changing construct, and it is up to us as individuals to decide what we believe is important in terms of looking and feeling beautiful. By challenging the traditional ideas of beauty, society can move towards a more inclusive understanding that allows everyone to feel accepted and appreciated for who they are.

By recognizing how social constructions shape our understanding of beauty over time, we can better appreciate the diversity of human aesthetics and come to a more open-minded appreciation of what beauty means. After all, beauty is in the eye of the beholder - and it is up to us as individuals to define for ourselves what we deem attractive.

Ultimately, beauty is an individual expression of creativity and self-expression that should be celebrated rather than judged. By respecting and celebrating the many different definitions of beauty, we can create a more open-minded and inclusive understanding that allows everyone to feel accepted regardless of who they are or how they look.

Examining the Impact of Beauty Standards on Mental Health

Beauty standards have a profound effect on mental health in society. The messages that we receive from media and other sources can be highly influential, as they can shape how people think about their own beauty and self-image. Essayists, psychologists, sociologists, and other experts have studied the effects of beauty standards on mental health for many years now.

The main issue is that beauty standards are often unrealistic and can create feelings of inadequacy. For example, the way that women are commonly portrayed in the media can have an impact on how they see themselves in comparison to others. This kind of idealized image of beauty is often unattainable for most people, leading to low self-esteem and depression.

Additionally, the beauty standards that are set by society can cause people to be overly critical of themselves and their physical appearance. This can lead to body-image issues, such as eating disorders, which can have serious consequences for mental health.

It is important to recognize that these beauty standards do not reflect reality and should not be taken too seriously. It is important to embrace our own individual beauty and uniqueness, rather than striving for an idealized version of ourselves. It is also important to recognize that beauty comes in all shapes and sizes, and that it should not be the sole source of one’s self-esteem.

When it comes to mental health, it is crucial to focus on healthy habits such as eating right, exercising regularly, and getting enough sleep. Additionally, seeking professional help when needed can be extremely beneficial in managing mental health issues.

By taking the time to assess our own attitudes towards beauty standards, we can begin to make healthier choices and strive for self-acceptance instead of striving for an unrealistic goal. Ultimately, understanding that beauty comes from within is key to improving our mental health.

Taking the time to focus on self-care such as practicing mindful activities, engaging in physical activity, and being kind to ourselves is essential for maintaining a healthy mindset. It is also important to celebrate our own individual beauty - after all, we are all unique and beautiful in our own way! By recognizing and embracing this fact, we can work towards a better understanding of our own self-image and mental health.

The Narrative Around Beauty Products: What Messages Are We Sending?

Beauty products are now an essential part of our lives. From makeup and skincare products to hair styling tools and beauty treatments, most people use at least some kind of beauty product in their daily routine. However, it is important to consider the messages that these products send out into the world.

When we look at advertisements for beauty products, what messages are being conveyed? Often, there is an ideal of beauty that seems unattainable, but which consumers may feel obligated to achieve. For example, many makeup advertisements feature images of people with perfectly flawless skin and perfect makeup application techniques. These visuals can create a sense of imperfection for viewers who do not possess the same features or skills as the models featured in the ad.

The message of unattainability is further reinforced when brands emphasize the qualities of their products as being exclusive or difficult to access. This can create an atmosphere of exclusivity and privilege that may leave viewers feeling excluded if they cannot afford these products. Additionally, beauty products are often marketed as something that one must have in order to be “beautiful”, which reinforces the idea that beauty is something you must buy.

It is important to recognize these messages and consider how they may be interpreted by different people. Not everyone interprets beauty images in the same way, so it is important to think about how a product might affect different individuals. Additionally, it is vital to remember that there is no one-size-fits-all definition of beauty – beauty comes in many different forms and can be expressed in a variety of ways.


In conclusion, it is clear that beauty means something different to everyone. Whether we are talking about a person's physical features or their internal qualities, beauty is ultimately defined by its beholder. As an individual, it is important to understand and be comfortable with our own idea of beauty, as well as recognize and appreciate the diverse interpretations of others. Beauty has the power to make us feel included, valued, and loved. It can be a source of great joy and connection in our lives, which is why it should be celebrated. So the next time you are inspired by someone's beauty, take a moment to recognize it and appreciate its unique impact on your life.

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